Homecoming 2024: 220 years!

Come home to Broad Run Baptist Church!

Dear friends & loved ones,

We give thanks to the Lord for His incredible blessings over the years to us here at Broad Run Baptist Church! We have witnessed God work mightily in the hearts of His people. We have seen Him sustain this ministry through challenging times. And we have watched Him work everything together for the good of those who love Him.

We’ve also heard the stories of the men and women who were faithful to God’s call to start and nurture Broad Run Baptist Church and we’ve given thanks for the people who have been part of building up our church for the glory of God!

This year, we are commemorating 220 years of God’s faithfulness to us at Broad Run Baptist Church! This special occasion calls for a special celebration! Please join us at 10:15 AM on July 21st for a special church homecoming worship service, followed by dinner in the fellowship hall. Please RSVP by calling the church office or scanning the link below so we can be sure to have enough food on hand. You can also give us a call if you need further information.

The celebration will include lots of special memories, music, an inspiring message, and a great opportunity to catch up with our extended church family. We hope to welcome many of our friends who have attended Broad Run Baptist Church over the years! If you know someone you think would like to attend, please invite people you think would be interested.

Come celebrate God’s faithfulness and provision with us!

Love & Prayers,

Pastor Jason Skaggs

Church Office: 304-884-7413

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675 Broad Run Rd.
Jane Lew, WV 26378
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PO 542
Jane Lew, WV 26378
Office Hours
T-F, 9am – 1pm

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