Board of Deacons/Deaconesses

2nd Sunday at 6:30pm
Fellowship Hall
Mike Garrett

As established in Acts Chapter 6: 1-6, Broad Run Baptist Church has a Board of Deacons. The Board consists of nine deacons and three deaconesses elected and ordained by the church; one-third shall be elected each year to serve a term of three years. The Board meets the second Sunday of each month at 6:30 PM.

The board assists the pastor in his work.  With the pastor, the board considers all applicants for church membership, all requests for letters of transfer, cooperates with him in providing the pulpit supply and the leaders of Bible Study in his absence, visit the members, and care for the sick, needy and distressed members of the church and our surrounding communities.

Additionally, the board promotes Christian instruction and ministry to the church membership, provides for the Lord’s Supper, and aids in its administration.


Fellowship Hall
2nd Sunday at 6:30pm


Mike Garrett