What We Believe
We Stand For…

We stand for the Bible. It is our law, our creed, and our final authority in all matters relating to faith and practice.

We stand for regeneration or “the birth from above” as a basis of church membership.

We stand for believer’s baptism, the immersion of the believer in obedience to Christ’s command, as a symbol of the death to the old life and the resurrection to the new.

We stand for the separation of Church and State, and for the largest measure of civil and religious liberty.

We stand for education, evangelism, and worldwide missionary endeavor.
We Believe In…

Belief One
Baptists believe in one God ~ the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit ~ three persons yet but one God, whose name is Jehovah.

Belief Two
Baptists believe in the deity and the humanity of Jesus Christ, who is none other than God the Son manifest in the flesh, and in whom…
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all the fullness of the Godhead dwells forever.

Belief Three
Baptists believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only Head of the Church; that all believers are equally priests unto God; that ordination, …
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while it recognizes position, bestows no power; that the local church is independent and sovereign.

Belief Four
Baptists believe that all men are sinners needing a Saviour; that salvation is only, and altogether, through simple faith in Jesus Christ…
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who died for our sins; faith always accompanied by works; need for repentance, and, that without such faith, there can be no salvation here or hereafter.

Belief Five
Baptists believe in unbroken, conscious existence after death, determined by life before death; in the personal second coming of…
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Christ to judge the world; in the resurrection of the body which, for those who die in the Lord, shall be like Christ’s glorious body; in the eternal weal of the saved and the eternal woe of the lost.